Commission an Artwork by Nikki Newman
How long does it normally take?
Every piece is different, but as an example, an ink and watercolour fashion illustration up to about A3 size takes on average 2-3 days; an acrylic painting of a coastal scene up to 36x24 inches will take around 2 weeks, perhaps longer depending on details. Timings are also dependent on my current workload at the time. These timings do not include preparation and research time.
At what stages during the commission do I see the work in progress?
I will show you the initial composition sketches for approval, the early stages of the image on canvas/ paper, a mid-way stage if appropriate (eg for a larger piece on canvas), and then the finished piece.
What is the typical cost for a comissioned artwork?
For example, an A3 commissioned illustration would be @£180 (maybe less depending on detail), with a 50% deposit up front, followed by 2x 25% payments through to completion of the work.
Don't hesitate to contact me at or telephone +44 7725 912025 if you would like to discuss a commission project.
I regularly take on commissions for artwork, you may have the following questions about the commissioning process, so I hope my answers provide some clarity.
What artwork commissions do you do?
Private commissions are for a client who wants an artwork for their home or for a gift. Generally, I am asked to produce seascapes, scenes or portraits, birds or butterflies or a fashion themed piece such as shoes or a fashion figure.
I am commissioned by fashion magazines to produce illustrations to accompany fashion stories. A designer or boutique may commission me to produce artwork for promotional or display use. A creative business may ask me to produce an artwork for use as a logo or website header for example.
I am happy to discuss any requirements or ideas you have.
How can I brief you on the artwork I would like commissioned?
Initially, an email or discussion on the phone outlining what you'd like painted, in what medium (acrylic, watercolour etc) and on what surface (canvas, board, paper etc) and when you require the piece, then we can take it from there. If you're unsure of what you'd like but have an initial idea, we can discuss options and ideas.

Nikki's latest commission for Harper's Bazaar Arabia, an illustrated map of "The Doha Dozen", the hippest places to be this Spring 2013.
See other recent commissions beow.
Recent Commissions
Click on an image to enlarge it in slideshow format.

36x24 inch acrylic on board, private commission.

A3 sized watercolour fashion illustration for Harper's Bazaar Arabia April 2012 'The Business of Fashion' depicting UAE designer Marina Qureshi in one of her own designs (a dress worn on the red carpet at the 2012 Oscars).

A2 watercolour, ink and pastel map of Doha, Qatar Special Edition October 2012.

A3 sized watercolour fashion illustration for Harper's Bazaar Arabia April 2012 'The Business of Fashion' depicting UAE designer Madiya Al Sharqi wearing one of her creations.

A3 sized watercolour fashion illustration for Harper's Bazaar Arabia April 2012 'The Business of Fashion' depicting Bahraini designer Lulwa Al Amin in one of her creations.

5x7 inch acrylic and oil on board.

A2 watercolour of Princess Gown commissioned by Harrods for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations.

A3 watercolour and ink.

A2 watercolour logo for Doha-based stylist and fashion writer.

A4 ink and watercolour illustration of Sheikha Hend Al Qassemi of the UAE to accompany an interview with her, May 2011.

16x24 inch acrylic on board, private commission.

A3 watercolour and ink.